Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Bus Pass Bandit: Part Thirty Six - KNOWLE

An early autumnal extract from the Bus Pass Bandit's repertoire now as our towpath-traipsing hero takes the Grand Union Canal north to Knowle...

The Bandit's starting point on this occasion is the Navigation Inn at Lapworth.

Some Seafarers English Ale is a fine way to commence one's journey.

A swan enjoying the peace of the canal.

The next pub up the canal is the Black Boy, a nickname generally given to King Charles II.

St Austell Tribute is the tipple here.

A little further on is the Kings Arms at Knowle.

And some UBU from Purity Brewery.

There is a very impressive flight of locks at Knowle.

In the centre of Knowle is St John's Church.

And nearby The Vaults Real Ale Bar, an old favourite.

The Nelson Sauvin hop beer is from Mallinsons Brewery.

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