Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bus Pass Bandit: Part Thirty Five - CLAVERDON & WOOTTON WAWEN

To round off his August antics, the Bus Pass Bandit takes to the tracks for a Warwickshire wander...

The first stop is Claverdon station, served by occasional trains on the branch between Stratford-upon-Avon and Hatton.

The Red Lion has superb views over the Warwickshire countryside...

And a suitably hoppy Hopfather from Wye Valley Brewery helps make the most of such scenery.

The Church of St Michael and All Angels in Claverdon.

The Crown Inn on Henley Road has recently reopened after a period of closure.

Some Scorcher from Belhaven Brewery seems appropriate for a hot day

Onwards and over the stile towards Kington where the gnomes live.

Making the acquaintance of the Kington gnomes!

It's then a case of pressing on via Austy Wood to join the Stratford Canal. At Wootton Wawen a notable aqueduct crosses the road.

Nearby is the Church of Our Lady and St Benedict.

And also St Peter's 'Saxon Sanctuary', the oldest church in Warwickshire

The excellent Bull's Head in Wootton Wawen provides a final stop.

A welcome Wootton Wawen whistle-whetter is this pint of Banks's Mild.

For an addendum, how about the Harbury Beer Festival - here represented by some Somerset 'Bad Boy' cider. After a selection of nice perries, the Morris dancers should be out shortly...

Ah here they are - complete with sashes, bells and billowing handkerchiefs - as the Bandit samples Lonely Partridge perry from Hogan's Cider in Warwickshire.

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