Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bus Pass Bandit: Part Thirty Seven - LLANGOLLEN

Every so often, the Bus Pass Bandit likes to spread his wings away from Warwickshire and the West Midlands by seeking out sightseeing opportunities further afield. This trip is another such example...

For this next offering in his series of occasional awaydays, the Bandit heads to Llangollen and a trip on the Heritage Railway from Corwen.

A view of Llangollen Station over the glorious River Dee, which the train follows for most of the journey.

Heading over the bridge into Llangollen town centre.

The first stop is at the Corn Mill.

And a rather nice North Star Porter.

A climb up to Llangollen Wharf gives a chance to explore the canal.

St Collen's Church in Llangollen.

The next stop is at the Liberty Tavern and Wine Bar.

And some Hobsons Town Crier (resisting the Staropramen branding).

It is time to take the return train back to Corwen.

The ticket office at Corwen.

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