Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bus Pass Bandit: Part Thirty Eight - HATTON & ROWINGTON

Thirty eight episodes in and the Bus Pass Bandit shows no signs of stopping. Let's see where he's been off to for this September contribution...

To begin with, the Bandit heads back to an old favourite - The Case is Altered, off Five Ways Road in Hatton.

The Case Bitter is now brewed by the North Cotswold Brewery.

Next a chance to explore the Wroxall Estate complete with fishpond scenery.

The main house is now a luxury hotel, while the Church of St Leonard is on the site of a former Priory.

Onwards towards Rowington and a welcome stop at the Rowington Club.

Delighted to find they have Cheddar Valley cider!

Tom O' The Wood in Rowington is well situated by the Grand Union Canal.

The Tom O' The Wood poses obligingly...

... and has some nice Rosie's Pig cloudy cider.

A walk up the canal leads to Lapworth and on to the train station.

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