Friday, June 7, 2024

Bus Pass Bandit: Part Twenty Seven - WATCHET

Watch-et folks, there's a highwayman at large! The Bus Pass Bandit's plunderings aren't always confined to Warwickshire and the West Midlands - he also has a remit to investigate wherever his fancy takes him, hence extending his range to cover a delightful West Somerset harbour town...

The Bandit's Summer Holiday Special takes us to Watchet, which has a charming heritage station on the West Somerset Railway. 

A view of the boats in Watchet Marina.

Opposite the harbour is the Esplanade Club ...

And a nice Porlock Vale cider!

Nearby is the statue of the Ancient Mariner inspired by the poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

The famous Pebbles Tavern is not to be missed

The local cider is Secret Orchard Wild Rabbit.

The interesting Watchet Museum is based in the Old Market House.

A bonus picture of the Exmoor Coaster bus at Lynmouth.

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