Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bus Pass Bandit: Part Twenty Eight - NORTON LINDSEY & SNITTERFIELD

Having enjoyed his short stay in Somerset, the Bus Pass Bandit returns to his customary Warwickshire environs with a Saturday stroll that visits two villages between Warwick and Stratford-upon-Avon...

First off, the Bandit arrives in the village of Norton Lindsey near Warwick.The IndieGo Plus bus is a pre-booked service designed to fill the gaps where public transport is otherwise very limited. 

The New Inn is Warwickshire's first community-owned pub, also providing a restaurant and shop.

Blue Monkey PG Sips is the chosen tipple in the New Inn.

The Church of Holy Trinity in Norton Lindsey

Onwards to Snitterfield and a stop at the Snitterfield Arms.

It is a pint of Doom Bar in here.

The Church of St James the Great in Snitterfield

The 'library' at Snitterfield is effectively a repurposed telephone box.

And finally following the Monarch's Way into Stratford...

... where we shall finish with a sighting of the Welcombe Hills Obelisk.

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