Sunday, March 17, 2024

Bus Pass Bandit: Part Fourteen - STOCKTON

Anyone up for a Saturday stroll through more Warwickshire countryside, with a bit of transport heritage thrown in for good measure? Join the Bus Pass Bandit as he wends his way to Stockton...

Today the Bandit takes a walk along the Grand Union Canal from Birdingbury Wharf Bridge. Here we see a display of daffodils at Ventnor Waterside & Marina.

The flight of locks at Calcutt also attracts the Bandit's gaze, with a marina complex close at hand.

Evidence of the long closed railway line which once linked Leamington and Daventry.

A welcome stop at the Shoulder of Mutton in Grandborough.

A peek inside the Shoulder of Mutton - note the pint of Dow Bridge Legion, brewed near Lutterworth.

St Peter's Church in Grandborough with war memorial cross outside. 

Looking out over Draycote Water, a reservoir which supplies drinking water to Rugby and Coventry.

The Crown Inn in Stockton is another of the Bandit's (many!) favourites.

St Austell Tribute in the Crown Inn, Stockton.

The fish look quite tasty too - only joking!!

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